Discourse 1011 – The "Mitternachtsruf" ["Call at Midnight"] – a call in the wrong direction?

The "Mitternachtsruf" ["Call at Midnight"] – a call in the wrong direction? / e-mail Conno Malgo, 00, 2013-11-05

The rejection of Israel under the New Covenant

The rejection of Israel under the Old Covenant

The biblical future of today’s Israel

Opening address by Chief Rabbi M. A. Friedmann / International Conference of Rabbis 2004, Vienna

The Religion of the Future. / Article by Brother Nathanael Kapner 00, 2014-04-24

The "Israel movement" in the Christian congregations. /    Christian Evangelical Zionism -  Discourse 101

Looking up the biblical quotations of the "Friends of Israel" in the Bible /   Continuation Part 2, Discourse 1012

Report from the camp of the "Israel movement". /   Continuation Part 3, Discourse 1013

The Jewish Anti-Defamation League rewrites the New Testament. /   Continuation Part 4, Discourse 1014

Shema Yisrael ‒ Hear, O ISRAEL - the judgment of God on his people. /   Continuation Part 5, Discourse 1015

The Foundation of the State of Israel in 1948 prophesied in the Old Testament! /   Continuation Part 6, Discourse 1016

(Texts in a black frame are quotations from visitors to this site or from other authors.)

(The "Mitternachtsruf" ["Call at midnight"] – a call in the wrong direction? / e-mail, Conno Malgo, 00, 2013-11-05)

Israel is different

Dear Mr. Horak,

The differences between Israel and the nations are so clearly represented in scripture that it would be worth our while to recapitulate just a few of them here.

The apostle Paul engages with this theme when he says, "Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the benefit of circumcision? Great in every respect. First of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God." (Rom 3,1-2).

Many other sayings in the Bible are likewise aimed exclusively at Israel. It is only with reference to Israel that God says, in Gen 12,3, "And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse."

It is only with reference to Israel that God says, in Zechariah 2,8, "For he who touches you, touches the apple of [My] eye."

Only about Israel do we read in the Bible, "In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them" (Isa 63,9).

Israel is blind – the nations are blind. But it is only of Israel that we are told that its blindness will be removed when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in (Rom 11,25)!

And yet it remains true that even a Jew can only be saved through faith in Jesus Christ, as John 14:6 clearly states. Let us pray for Israel, that many more may yet be saved. With a heartfelt shalom,

Yours, the Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf [Midnight Call Mission]

Beth-Shalom Division

Conno Malgo


Vom Schattenkrieg zum Showdown [From the Shadow War to the Showdown] –
"Mitternachtsruf" ["Call at Midnight"], October 2013

Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf  [Call at Midnight Mission]

Dear Mr. Malgo,

In your e-mail to the readership of the "Mitternachtsruf" you write as follows:

"Many other sayings in the Bible are likewise aimed exclusively at Israel. It is only with reference to Israel that God says, in Gen 12,3, "And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse."

But please would you finally desist from picking isolated verses out of the Bible and using them as the base for a completely false edifice of faith for your readers. Would you please just read this verse, Gen 12,3, in its proper context:

Now the LORD said to Abram, I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.

Gen 12,1 Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you; 12,2 And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; 12,3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed." Gen 12, 1- 3;

You will see then that these words are not addressed exclusively to Israel, nor indeed are they addressed to Israel at all – God is speaking here to Abraham. And Paul, whom you quote above, also writes of Abraham in his letter to the Galatians:

Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.

Gal 4,22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the bondwoman and one by the free woman. 4,23 But the son by the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and the son by the free woman through the promise. 4,24 This is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants: one proceeding from Mount Sinai bearing children who are to be slaves; she is Hagar.

4,25 Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.4,26 But the Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother. 4,27 For it is written, "Rejoice, barren woman who does not bear; break forth and shout, you who are not in labor; for more numerous are the children of the desolate than the one who has a husband." 4,28 And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise

29 But as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so it is now also. 4,30 But what does the Scripture say? "Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be an heir with the son of the free woman." Gal 4,22-31;

So as Paul writes, Israel (Jerusalem) under the Old Covenant and the Mosaic religion remains in slavery. The Israelites are in a figurative sense the children of the bondwoman, the children of the flesh. We Christians on the other hand, under the New Covenant, are the children of the free woman, the children of the promise, and so the spiritual children of Abraham, who just like him have been saved not through righteousness but by faith.

And please consider one thing, Mr. Malgo: Abraham was not an Israelite! When Abraham received this blessing of God, it still took 150 years until Jacob, who then received the name "Israel" from God, was born at all. Also therefore God did not say this "exclusively to Israel", but to Abraham.

The rejection of Israel under the New Covenant

As we can see, there is absolutely no reason why Israel should be given preferential treatment, still less admired. Quite the reverse – when we read scripture carefully, we recognize that Israel has been God-less for two thousand years and so has had no possibility whatever of getting into contact with God in any way.

Unless you believe that I am He (the Messiah), you will die in your sins. [and go to hell]

Jn 8,21 Then He said again to them, "I go away, and you will seek Me, and will die in your sin; where I am going, you cannot come." 8,22 So the Jews were saying, "Surely He will not kill Himself, will He, since He says, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come’?" 8,23 And He was saying to them, "You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world. 8,24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He (the Messiah), you will die in your sins." Jn 8,21-24;

When you reflect that the people of Israel has rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for two thousand years, presenting him as an impostor and blasphemer, then would you please just tell me which of the biblical statements above you would venture to disagree with?

Would it be the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ in 1Jn 2,23, where he says, "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father"? Or the one in Jn 15,23: "He who hates Me hates My Father also"? Or do you mean – like the Israelites – to question the credibility of the Son altogether and actually contradict the statement made by the Father, the Almighty, in Mt 17,5, where he says, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased: listen to Him!"?

I find it quite astonishing that you strew biblical quotations around when you have not even read the context in which they occur. Nor do I understand how you are capable of turning a blind eye to the many crimes of Israel today – ranging from the expulsion of the people of Palestine from their homeland to the illegal manufacture of 400 (!) atom bombs in contradiction of the atomic non-proliferation treaty passed by the community of nations (the UNO), not to mention the current threat to bomb Iran because there may be grounds for suspicion that Teheran is planning to make one (!) atom bomb.

And you then use your paper to disseminate militaristic propaganda with articles like "From the Shadow War to the Showdown". Are you an advocate of war? Haven’t the Israelis of today not killed enough people and carried on enough wars in the Near East already – against Egypt, against Jordan, against Palestine, against Lebanon, against Syria?

Israel was once the people of God, and will be so again in the Kingdom of Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. But until that time, they are – with the exception of Jews who have become Christians – a faithless people, as are all other peoples of this world! And I also agree with you when you write, "Israel is blind – the nations are blind." For two thousand years the overwhelming majority in Israel have been blind just like all the other nations of this world.

Likewise your statement that "Israel is different" is one with which I can thoroughly concur. Whereas true Christians – with the exception of pseudo-Christians like those in the Catholic church – believe in the redeeming sacrifice of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Israel rejected its Messiah two thousand years ago and still does, and the rabbis in Israel teach in their Talmud that Jesus Christ is burning in hell!

But in rejecting the Son of God, Israel has also rejected the Father (1Jn 2:23). Since Israel had the Son of God put to death on the cross, God has dissolved his covenant with Israel, allowed the Temple and the city to be destroyed and has abandoned the people of Israel (Mt 27:51).

(See also Discourse 1114: "The destruction of the Temple."

All these are not just biblical and historic facts – we find them daily confirmed in the media reports of global political events. Only someone who turns a blind eye to Israel can claim that this people today is being under the guidance of its God. Where, in the Bible, will you find a God who encourages the manufacture of atom bombs?

And then we find it asserted, "Since the re-establishment of the political state of Israel in May 1948, this land has become the fulfillment of biblical prophecy" (Arno Froese in his book "Das Geheimnis der Entrückung" ["The Mystery of the Rapture"). – Do these authors not read the Bible at all?

What is here euphemistically referred to as a "re-establishment" was actually a war of expulsion in which thousands of people, Jews and Arabs, were killed. And the militaristic confrontations between Israel and the Palestinians continue to the present day. What biblical prophecy should we see as having been fulfilled by war, murder, expulsion and dishonesty (including the illicit manufacture of 400 atom bombs behind the back of the UNO)?

Quite on the contrary, as God tells us through his prophet Hosea:

I will not deliver them by bow, sword, battle, horses or horsemen.

Hos 1,6 Then she conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. And the LORD said to him, "Name her Lo-ruhamah [No-compassion], for I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I would ever forgive them. 1,7 "But I will have compassion on the house of Judah and deliver them by the LORD their God, and will not deliver them by bow, sword, battle, horses or horsemen." 1,8 When she had weaned Lo-ruhamah, she conceived and gave birth to a son. 1,9 And the LORD said, "Name him Lo-ammi [Not-My-people], for you are not My people and I am not your God." Hos 1, 6- 9;

God delivers his people not with war and the sword – he will deliver them and bring them back to their country through his Holy Spirit, and without any kind of violence. As the entire passage from Hosea, before and after this text, points to Messianic times, to the Millennium, it follows that God is only going to save and gather his people in the Millennium, in the Thousand Years Kingdom of Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So the establishment of the Israeli state in May 1948 was not the gathering promised by God either. It was an expulsion of the people of Palestine from their homeland, planned by the Zionists of Theodor Herzl and carried out with military violence and thousands of deaths. As once on the mountain of Horeb, here again Israel has made itself a "golden calf", in the form of this state of Israel, and is now dancing around it – with the enthusiastic practical support of the "Friends of Israel" in Christian circles.

The rejection of Israel under the Old Covenant

Incidentally, when we look carefully at the text of this biblical passage, we find God saying here, in Hos 1,6: "... For I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I would ever forgive them." With this categorical pronouncement ("no longer", "ever") by God, would anyone want to claim that the times we are living in today are specifically exempt from that declaration or affected only in part?

Quite the reverse! For when we then look at the verses immediately following, we find there a temporal qualification of this verdict of God’s:

And in the place where it is said to them, "You are not My people," it will be said to them, "You are the sons of the living God."

Hos 2,10 Yet the number of the sons of Israel Will be like the sand of the sea, Which cannot be measured or numbered; And in the place Where it is said to them, "You are not My people," It will be said to them, "You are the sons of the living God." 2,11 And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will be gathered together, And they will appoint for themselves one leader, And they will go up from the land, For great will be the day of Jezreel. 3,1 Say to your brothers, "Ammi [My-people]," and to your sisters, "Ruhamah [compassion]." Hos 2,10-3,1;

So God will once again have mercy on the Israelites. But only when "the number of the sons of Israel will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or numbered". And that – like the passage in Zech 2,4-5 where Jerusalem is referred to as a city "without walls because of the multitude of men and cattle in it" – is the well-known promise of salvation referring to the Millennium (cf. Zech 8:5; Isa 49:19; Eze 38:11).

The fate of Israel in its godlessness in the time up to the Millennium is revealed to us then in the subsequent verses of Hosea:

Behold, I will hedge up her way with thorns, And I will build a wall against her so that she cannot find her paths.

Hos 2,5 "For their mother has played the harlot; She who conceived them has acted shamefully. For she said, ‘I will go after my lovers, Who give me my bread and my water, My wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.’ 2,6 "Therefore, behold, I will hedge up her way with thorns, And I will build a wall against her so that she cannot find her paths. 2,7 "She will pursue her lovers, but she will not overtake them; And she will seek them, but will not find them. Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my first husband, For it was better for me then than now!’ 2,8 "For she does not know that it was I who gave her the grain, the new wine and the oil, And lavished on her silver and gold, Which they used for Baal. Hos 2, 5- 8;

It is today’s Israel the prophet is referring to here, the "mother" of the Israelites to be born later on in the Millennium. The passage is easier to make sense of if we put a label on the "lovers". The USA, for instance:

(Texts in a black frame are quotations from visitors to this site or from other authors.)

Tel Aviv / Washington (IRIB/ german.ruvr.ru 2. April 2013) – According to a report by the Israeli economics journal "The Market", the USA has supported the Israeli regime since 1948 to the tune of more than 230 billion dollars. A further financial deal worth 40 billion dollars for armament projects alone has just recently been concluded.



Or Germany, for that matter:

(Texts in a black frame are quotations from visitors to this site or from other authors.)

Since the Luxembourg Agreement of 1952 (involving the payment of around 1.53 billion euros), the question of indemnification has been an important political issue in relations between Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany. In total, German indemnification payments to people living in Israel who suffered persecution under the Nazis come to around 27.8 billion euros to date.


BRD – Auswärtiges Amt, Oktober 2013
[Federal Republic of Germany – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 2013]

(Texts in a black frame are quotations from visitors to this site or from other authors.)

Germany gives Israel 2 billion euros along with the delivery of 6 submarines

Of course this was not something the man in the street was supposed to know about, so the announcement was given a low profile. When we keep hearing talk of financial crisis and debt, when we are repeatedly instructed to tighten our belts and the government claims to have no money available for schools and kindergartens and the like, an announcement like this – of such a generous handout to Israel, for which German tax-payers of course would have to foot the bill – was not going to be the best kind of publicity. (…)

And what is more, these six submarines are not intended for defense – they are equipped with rockets carrying atomic warheads, which are meant for the attack on Iran. Israel blatantly continues to threaten Iran with war. In donating these submarines, Germany is violating its own War Weapons Control Act, where the supply of weapons to crisis areas is expressly forbidden. Could there be any more inflammatory crisis zone than the Near East?


Wahrheitskrieg – Dezember 2011 [War of Truth]

The Israel of today plays the harlot with the nations, and does not recognize that it is still God, in spite of everything, who lets them receive all these billions that they lavish on their "Baal" – acquiring weapons, making war, manufacturing atom bombs and lording it tyrannically over other peoples.

It is the hubris of this people which leads them to see the effects of God’s actions as something due to them and to look down on the rest of the human race, as Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister of Israel from 1983 to 1984 and again from 1986 to 1992, made extremely plain in an interview with Newsweek on 11 April 1988:

"And looking down from the height of this mountain, and from the point of view of our thousands of years of history, we say to you: Compared with us, you are like grasshoppers."

And this is why the Almighty will "hedge up her way with thorns" and "build a wall against her so that she cannot find her paths". Until the Millennium, the Almighty will not have any mercy on the house of Israel. Just the name "Lo-Ammi" in Hos 1,9 ["Not My People"] shows that God has terminated his covenant with Israel.

This means that Israel is a God-less people – not just in accordance with the prophecies of our Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament (see box below), but also here in accordance with the prophets of the Old Testament. And this condition persists until the Millennium – so it is still the case in our own times.

God will still have mercy on the house of Judah and deliver them – but we would probably be wrong to assume that these Jews are to be found in the present day state of Israel. In my view it is more likely to be those Jews who are the only ones to have refused the call in 1948 to immigrate to the "re-established" state of Israel – the "Baal" of our day.

(See also Discourse 08; "The gathering of Israel: already since 1948, or not to happen until the Last Days?")

These are the Orthodox Jews true to their faith all over the world who have remained in the Diaspora because they know from their scriptures – the Old Testament – that repatriation in accordance with the will of God will only be possible on the advent of the Messiah, as the following statement by Moishe Arie Friedmann, Chief Rabbi of the Orthodox Jews true to their religion in Vienna, confirms:

"With the Holocaust as a justification, the state of Israel was founded by the use of force, which contradicts the will of God (Hos 1:7). As Jews true to our faith we accept the fate of the Diaspora which God has laid upon us. But the founding of the state of Israel has not just damaged the Jews on this religious plane; the means and the methods used by Israel to secure its existence against the Palestinians damage all Jews world-wide, and encourage the rebirth of anti-Semitism. For Jews true to their faith it is clear, however, that the Diaspora is the fate laid upon us by God until the coming of the Messiah."

(See also discourse 46: "Statement by Chief Rabbi M.A. Friedmann, Vienna")

(Texts in a black frame are quotations from visitors to this site or from other authors.)

(Press Conference The Holocaust – A Memorial of Another Kind The authentic Jewish voice has its say! 00, 2010-01-27)

Religious Jews, survivors and victims of the Holocaust, will for the first time since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, make a public appearance in Germany and express their view of history. They contend that the leadership of the Zionist state has no right to exploit the Jewish victims of World War II for their political goals, to evade criticism, or as an "alibi" for the oppression of the Palestinian people. This is especially true since the Palestinian people share no responsibility for the crimes of the Hitler regime. These religious Jews come to deliver a new message: a plea for justice, together with the religious conviction that God is ultimately behind the steering wheel of history. At the same time, they appeal for a new beginning in relations between Jews and non-Jewish Germans, on the basis of mutual respect. What lessons do religious Jews learn from the Holocaust? And where does Torah-loyal Judaism stand today on the issue of the slow genocide being committed against the Palestinian people?

The above questions and more will be discussed by the following speakers:
Rabbi Moshe Ber Beck (USA) Holocaust survivor
Rabbi Yisrael David Weiss (USA) Grandparents murdered in Auschwitz
Rabbi Ahron Cohen (UK) Holocaust survivor
Rabbi Jouseph Antebi (Jerusalem, NL, Berlin) Victim of Zionist persecution
Reuven Cabelman (Berlin, Antwerp) Berlin spokesman for the Neturei Karta International
organizer of the Press Conference Moderator: Christoph Hörstel (Neue Mitte)


Video of the Press Conference

But to come back now again to the e-mail of Conno Malgo quoted at the beginning:

You then again quote isolated biblical verses or just the last half sentence of the given verse:

"It is only with reference to Israel that God says, in Zechariah 2,8 "For he who touches you, touches the apple of [My] eye."

Only about Israel do we read in the Bible, "In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them" (Isa 63,9)."

The translation you use of Isa 63,9 (the Masoretic text) is somewhat controversial. In German and English bibles, generally the LXX (Septuagint) translation is used, based on the consonantal text.

"In all their affliction He was afflicted, And the angel of His presence saved them;"

But let us just take a look at your quotation from Zechariah, along with its context:

For thus says the LORD of hosts, after glory He has sent me.

Zech 2,8 For thus says the LORD of hosts, "After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye. 9 "For behold, I will wave My hand over them so that they will be plunder for their slaves. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me. 10 "Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst," declares the LORD. 11 "Many nations will join themselves to the LORD in that day and will become My people. Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you. Zech 2, 8-11;

Here again, if you had read (and then, above all, actually quoted) the first part of this verse, a quite different picture would have emerged. Here we find it written: "For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘After glory He has sent me...’".  The "LORD of hosts" is of course God the Almighty. But who is the one whom he has sent?

And here we can see that this first part of the prophet’s statement – which Mr. Malgo regrettably fails to quote – conceals a forecast of the coming of the Messiah. He whom the Almighty has here sent out is the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who claims that the prophet is here referring to himself, has like Mr. Malgo ignored the context of the passage.

And to prevent any misunderstanding, we find the same logical connection repeated just a verse further on: "And you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you". And finally at the end of the section we find it stated once more, quite specifically, "Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you."

So he, the one who has been sent, will dwell in the midst of Zion. And in Zech 2,11 we are then told: "Many nations will join themselves to the LORD in that day." Here again we recognize that this prophecy points directly to the Thousand Years Kingdom of Peace of the Son of God.

There, in the Millennium, the "one who has been sent" – our Lord Jesus Christ – will dwell in Zion and rule the world. And at this time, after Israel has been converted and gathered, God says to them, "He who touches you, touches the apple of [My] eye". Then the nations too will be converted and will seek God in Jerusalem.

Ten men from all the nations will grasp the garment of a Jew, saying, "Let us go with you"

Zech 8,22 ‘So many peoples and mighty nations will come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the LORD.’ 8,23 "Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘In those days ten men from all the nations will grasp the garment of a Jew, saying, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."‘" Zech 8,22-23;

So it is the Son of God speaking in the above passage, in Zech 2,8-11. And he testifies that the "LORD of hosts", in other words God the Almighty, has sent him. – So what was it like at the time when this "sent one", this "ambassador", was living on earth? Just these four verses of their prophet Zechariah should have been sufficient to tell the scribes of Israel of the day that God was sending them an ambassador, who was actually speaking to them in person.

But instead they crucified him. – The kingdom was promised to them, but they botched it. As a result of their rejecting the messenger of God, their Messiah and our Lord Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God was taken away from them and given to those who believe in the Son of God (Mt 21:43).

Israel in the light of the Bible.

Based on the Old Testament

God has completely taken away his compassion from the house of Israel (Hos 1:6). They are no longer his people (Hos 1:9). Only the house of Judah will be saved by the Lord. Not by war, however, but by his Spirit (Hos 1:7). And only in the Millennium, when the Son of God has entered on his thousand years rule on earth (Hos 1:10; 2,18 Eze 34:25; Isa 2:4), will the Lord once more accept Israel as his people (Hos 2:23; Jer 31:27-28).

Based on the New Testament

It is God’s will that we should listen to his Son (Mt 17:5). This same Son of God has told us that anyone who rejects him rejects God as well (1Jn 2:23; Lk 10:16; Jn 5:22-23. 15:23). The people of Israel today deny the Son of God and abuse him as an impostor and blasphemer. As a result of this denial of the Son, Israel has also rejected the Father and so is a God-less people. (Jn 8:24)

The "Friends of Israel" in the Christian congregations are thus selling their birthright as Disciples of Christ for the lentil stew of a vicarious agent of godless impostors. – For Israel there is no spiritual conversion to their God, and no return to their homeland willed by God, unless they convert to Jesus Christ!! (Mt 23:38-39; Gal 5:4) - (See also Discourse 111)

The biblical future of today’s Israel

So the above text from Zech 8 speaks – as does the entire chapter 8, incidentally – of the Millennium, the Thousand Years Kingdom of Peace of the Son of God here on earth. And at the start of these promises, in Zech 8,7-8, we learn that it is at this time that Israel will be saved by its God.

I am going to save My people (...) and I will bring them back and they will live in the midst of Jerusalem

Zech 8,7 "Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Behold, I am going to save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west; 8,8 and I will bring them back and they will live in the midst of Jerusalem; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God in truth and righteousness.’ Zech 8, 7- 8;

So God the Almighty will himself gather them from all over the world, and he, God himself, will bring them back to Jerusalem.

Apart from the fact that this is one of the many Old Testament passages proving that Israel, in accordance with God’s promises, will only be gathered and returned to its own land in the Millennium – and so the "1948 Gathering" was a forced occupation brought about by the Zionists of Theodor Herzl against the will of God, involving as it did war and the expulsion of the Palestinian people – an important question clearly suggests itself here.

If on the one hand, according to scripture, Israel is only going to be gathered and brought back to its own land by God in the Millennium, but on the other hand the Israelis are already living in this land, there must at some point in the intervening period be an event through which the Israelites will again be expelled from their land.

And indeed we find prophecies to this effect, both in the Old and in the New Testament. These forecasts, admittedly, are not always easy to identify, because the Israelites had already been repeatedly driven out of their land in the past millennia. But if we look carefully at the context and line up the scriptural statements against the historical facts, we can arrive at a relatively precise distinction.

(See also Chapter 02: "The conquest and dispersion of Jerusalem.")

The basis for the fate of Israel in this tribulation of the Last Days may be found in the 5th chapter of the prophet Isaiah. Unfortunately a full analysis of this text would take up more time and space than we have available here. For those readers who are interested in reading this really pithy description – pithy not just in what concerns Israel, but also as having reference to the circumstances of our own day – and who do not happen to have a bible to hand, here is a link to the passage: Isa 5:1-30.

Along with this classic passage from Isaiah, the texts in the Old Testament having the most substance are the statements to be found in Zech 14,1-2, and in the New Testament, those from Lk 21,30-24 and Rev 11,1-2:

For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle.

Zech 14,1 Behold, a day is coming for the LORD when the spoil taken from you will be divided among you.
14,2 For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. Zech 14, 1- 2;

The people will be led captive and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles.

Lk 21,20 "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near. 21,21 "Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of the city must leave, and those who are in the country must not enter the city; 21,22 because these are days of vengeance, so that all things which are written will be fulfilled. 21,23 "Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days; for there will be great distress upon the land and wrath to this people; 21,24 and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Lk 21,20-24;

The nations will tread under foot the holy city.

Rev 11,1 Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, "Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it. 11,2 "Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months. Rev 11, 1- 2;

The time frame of these texts can be ascertained with relative ease. In the case of the prophecies from Rev 11,1-2, there is no doubt whatever in the minds of serious commentators that these have not yet been fulfilled and so point to the future. With Lk 21,20-24, on the other hand, we frequently meet with the suggestion that these statements are referring to the time around 70 AD – the conquest of Jerusalem by Titus and the expulsion of the Jews into the Diaspora.

We find concrete prophecies referring to this event in all the Synoptic gospels. Luke describes it in Lk 19,43-44. But Luke is the only one to come up with a second prophecy of this kind, in the passage above, Lk 21,20-24. Together with the fact that the statements of the two texts are quite different in terms of content, this justifies the assumption that we must be concerned here with two distinct events.

A further argument in support of Lk 21,20-24 is the connection with the assured text in Rev 11,2, where we are told: "For it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months". And this statement we then find repeated in Lk 21,24: "Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled".

Zech 14,2 likewise prophesies: "For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured." And that establishes the connection between these three scriptural passages, allowing us to place the entire concatenation in future time.

Israel (Jerusalem) will be captured by the nations (the Gentiles) and the people will be led away into captivity. This, then, would be the key statement of these prophecies. But is this actually realistic? Is it really conceivable in our own time – this above all in view of the fact that Israel, we can safely assume, is armed to the teeth (with 400 atom bombs!), the neighboring Arab peoples cannot exactly be seen as highly courageous (look at what happened in the Six Day War) and Israel can in any case rely on the help and protection of the USA?

So the former leader of Judaism worldwide, the President of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar M. Bronfman, said to the former German Foreign Minister Lothar de Maiziere at his inaugural visit in New York in September 1990: "The Germans will meet a terrible fate if future generations should terminate their payments to Israel and the World Jewry: then the German people will vanish from the earth."

And the religious leaders in Israel, who might have been expected to distance themselves in the name of their God from this megalomania and from the hate-laden tirades of their politicians, are even worse rabble-rousers. Rabbi Yaacov Perrin for instance said at the burial of the mass murderer Baruch Goldstein [1], according to a report of 28 February 1994 in the London Times, that "A million Arabs are not worth the dirt under a Jew’s fingernail."

And Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich announced to the world on 12 January 1952:

"Our final goal is to precipitate World War III, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. (…) This war will end for all time our struggle against the Goyim (Non-Jews) (…) and our race will rule undisputed over the world."

(See also the entire speech of Rabbi Rabinovich: "Rabbi Rabinovich’s speech of the Jewish rule over the world.")

If we consider the present situation – where, under pressure from Israel, negotiations are being carried on with Iran, Israel’s most virulent opponent, on the reduction of uranium enrichment, with a view to preventing them from making an atom bomb – here again the Israelis are showing their wonted chutzpah. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced, Israel will itself bomb Iran (perhaps using one of its 400 atom bombs?) if the Americans do not succeed in stopping Tehran. 

If, God forbid, a situation like this were to occur, then not only would Israel’s reputation be gone for good, even its "big brother", the USA, would no longer have any realistic possibility of defending this people and supporting it in the face of world opinion

This would give rise to an admittedly rather improbable scenario, in which Israel has painted itself into a corner and is condemned and ostracized by the whole world. And in this case it would be conceivable that the Arab states might avail themselves of this unique opportunity of attacking Israel and so making these prophecies come true.  

If we now look once again at the prophecy quoted earlier, in Hos 1,6-7, where God promises that he will save the house of Judah, by contrast with the house of Israel:

Hos 1,6 Then she conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. And the LORD said to him, "Name her Lo-ruhamah [No-compassion], for I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I would ever forgive them. 1,7 "But I will have compassion on the house of Judah and deliver them by the LORD their God, and will not deliver them by bow, sword, battle, horses or horsemen." Hos 1, 6- 7;

– we also recognize here in what way God save the house of Judah: not with war and expulsion, the strategy vainly practiced by the God-less Israelis in Palestine. God will save the house of Judah, by acting on their spirit through his Spirit and so bringing it about that these Jews will not immigrate to Israel in the first place but will remain in the Diaspora, and so will be quite unaffected by all these catastrophes, whenever they may happen to occur.

But let us go back to the statements made by Mr. Malgo.

The last remark in your e-mail is one with which I can agree unconditionally:

"And yet it remains true that even a Jew can only be saved through faith in Jesus Christ, as John 14:6 clearly states. Let us pray for Israel, that many more may yet be saved."

Exactly so – that is the point! Let us pray for Israel! But we cannot on the one hand weary God’s ears with our prayers for the conversion of Israel, and then ourselves do just the opposite – by kowtowing to and supporting those who make it illegal to proclaim the gospel in Israel (the Jewish Agency – Israeli Ministry of Interior).

(See also Discourse 1013: "The "aliyah" ‒ The big temptation for the congregation in the Last Days")

So I ask you to consider that your persistent propaganda efforts for the godless and Zionistic state that is Israel today is not going to encourage a single Jew – whether of the Mosaic or of an atheist persuasion – to convert to Jesus Christ. By the way, I have seen very little about this – about Jesus Christ, that is to say – on your paper, though there is a very great deal about the state of Israel!

(Texts in a black frame are quotations from visitors to this site or from other authors.)

(Opening address by Chief Rabbi M. A. Friedmann / International Conference of Rabbis 2004, Vienna)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
esteemed guests of honor, dear friends!

I am privileged to welcome you warmly to this event, and am delighted to see so many prominent personalities, high ranking politicians and university professors, lawyers, doctors, ambassadors, chief rabbis and rabbis assembled here today.

My warmest thanks to you all for coming.

I am not used to giving speeches in German, so I must ask for your understanding. I also mean to keep my address as short and to the point as possible, after which it will be the turn of my highly esteemed colleagues and our guests of honor to take the floor.

The situation in which believing Judaism true to the Torah finds itself today is extremely difficult – indeed practically unbearable. Global political developments, especially in the Near East, give us grounds for anticipating serious threats to our future and that of our children. This is associated with the many lies about the true character of Judaism which have been propagated worldwide and believed by many. Above all in Germany and Austria many matters are regarded as taboo, so that anyone audacious enough to speak of them is exposing himself to considerable dangers. Notwithstanding, at this international conference we would like to put these matters in plain view and draw the necessary conclusions, because that is the only way the situation is going to change – which would be in the interest of us all..

At this very time, on the occasion of the Theodor Herzl centenary, we have to address certain fundamental points which concern the essential basis of the Jewish religion. The national celebrations here in Austria and in other countries do tend to give the impression that Zionism can be equated with Judaism, or at least can be seen as a legitimate political movement of Judaism. In fact the opposite is the case!

Before we go into this matter further, however, we must first make it clear that our critique is not a political critique – on the contrary, we are speaking purely and solely from the point of view of our religion, of our faith. We are advancing not political but religious reasons for our point of view – seeing that, based on moral and religious principles, we basically distance ourselves from politics.

The most important point which all Jews true to their faith share – and that includes all the rabbis and chief rabbis assembled here today – is that we have to bear the fate of the Diaspora which has been laid on us by God. This important conviction of faith often meets with incomprehension among non-Jews, so I will emphasize it again at this point: since we Jews accept in faith the fate of the Diaspora laid on us by God, we endeavor to live without problems or conflicts as loyal citizens of whatever state we find ourselves in. Whenever there have been difficulties and conflicts over the many past centuries, our chief rabbis have tried to come to a solution with the authorities on the basis of submission, argument and heartfelt appeals for clemency. And this kind of peaceful solution was in the great majority of cases actually brought about – without any kind of provocation or political power games.

The problems began to grow and to become more serious after the so-called "emancipation", when the liberal ideas of the Enlightenment made an impact on Judaism, and certain Jewish groups hoped they might be able to achieve political benefits. For millennia our community of faith in Germany has lived in peaceful coexistence with the German people, and has enjoyed the latter’s hospitality, with a large measure of freedom of religion. Even when the Zionist reformed congregation started to persecute Jews who remained loyal to their faith, the German people stood by our side. Consequently the German authorities authorized my predecessor, Chief Rabbi Samsan Raffael Hirsch, to set up his own Orthodox Jewish community of worship and allowed it all the necessary privileges.

At this time Theodor Herzl traveled frequently to Germany, in order to turn opinion against us in every way possible, even visiting the Kaiser, with the aim of stirring up hatred against Judaism true to the Torah. On occasion he came up against resistance. Nonetheless, Theodor Herzl deliberately encouraged antisemitism through his activities, because he hoped this would encourage European Jews to aspire to the establishment of a Jewish state. But in the last resort, in this way he brought about the catastrophe of Judaism. Because the Zionists wanted to bring the state of Israel into existence and encourage Jewish emigration to Palestine, they did not even shrink from inciting and provoking pogroms in Russia – however awful that sounds, ladies and gentlemen, there is the evidence to prove it! In the same way the Zionists tried to provoke Hitler and the German people by calling for boycotts and other political campaigns; they welcomed the Nuremberg Laws, and did everything they could to whip up antisemitism still further. So the Zionists must bear the essential blame for the Holocaust.

We Orthodox Jews true to our faith did not have anything whatever to do with these matters. We did not get involved with these provocations against Hitler and the Third Reich. We did not take part in calls for boycotts or international propaganda. Nonetheless it was we who became the real victims of the Holocaust. Based on our faith and conviction, the Holocaust was God’s punishment of the Jewish people, who had turned away from their faith to follow Zionism – even though the main victims of this same Holocaust were the Orthodox Jews. Unbelievable as it sounds, it is nonetheless incontestably true – our chief rabbis even declared in Auschwitz that although we had rejected Zionism and fought against it, we had done too little and with too few resources, for which reason it was not without justification that God’s punishment fell upon us as well. I know that such sentences can hardly any longer be understood in Europe today. I know that such sentences will give rise to incomprehension and head-shaking among many Europeans, because most Europeans do not in fact take their own Christian faith seriously any longer. All the same, this is our conviction in faith!

But the Zionists actually managed, after the war, to put themselves across as the sole legitimate representatives of Judaism. Above all the occupation of Germany and Austria made this possible. The results have been terrible! In the name of Judaism – and we Jews true to our faith have really had nothing to do with it – for decades now, massive pressure has been applied to the entire political and economic development of Germany. Germany continues to be an occupied country, the United Nations enemy state clause continues to apply to Germany, which means that Germany is not a member of the UNO with equal rights! It is an example of the inconceivable degradation of Germany that Mr. Michel Friedman – my namesake, I am sorry to say – who is a morally dubious user of cocaine and frequenter of prostitutes, has the opportunity of making moral reproaches to the German people and setting them moral conditions – and all this in the name of Judaism!

In Austria the situation is only slightly better. Here too Theodor Herzl is presented as a great personality, although in truth he did monstrous damage to Judaism, because he tried, against the will of God, to turn a purely spiritual religion into a political power system – a power system which, like all political power systems, has opponents and enemies and fights against them. The Palestinians, the population of Palestine, must logically become the enemy of a Zionist power system of this kind. The consequences of this – the war, the intifada, the anti-Jewish terrorist attacks and the equally terrorist attacks of the Israeli army on Palestinian leaders, with equal numbers of civilian deaths – are matters with which we are all familiar.

As Jews true to our religion, we can never accept the doctrine of Dr. Theodor Herzl. As Jews true to our religion, we are completely opposed to Zionism and reject it. As Jews true to our religion, we see Zionism as a betrayal of God and of the Jewish religion.

We Jews faithful to the Torah wish to continue living in peace with other peoples in future, among the Germans as among the Arabs – we do not want to blackmail any people or put any people under political pressure, but just to have the possibility, wherever we are living, of worshiping God in peace. Consequently we are starkly opposed to Zionist power politics. Thus we are also starkly opposed to all attempts on the part of international so-called Jewish organizations to put Germany and Austria under any political or financial pressures. For the same reason, we deliberately avoid getting involved in the internal affairs of the countries in which we are living.

When Dr. Martin Hohmann, a CDU member of the German parliament, saw people who had fallen away from their faith – whether Bolsheviks or Nazis – as the real criminals of the 20th century, we could only support his analysis. When boycotts were launched against Austria in view of the blue-black government of some federal states, we declared in public that we did not regard such interference with the internal affairs of a country as legitimate, and that in our view the Austrian people had every right to choose the government they wanted. On this occasion we even put a big advertisement in the New York Times, at our own expense, in which Jewish chief rabbis true to their faith from all over the world lent their support to this point of view.

I hope, in speaking to this esteemed audience, that I have been successful in making it clear to you that the Zionism of someone like Theodor Herzl has nothing to do with the convictions of Jews who are genuinely true to their religion. It is high time that the official representatives of the Republic of Austria should also recognize that Judaism true to the Torah is represented by us, and that they have someone else to talk to apart from the so-called Israelite cult community.

Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, in this introduction I have already touched on the main thorny issues which we hope to address at this international conference of rabbis. I would like to extend a particular welcome to the following speakers:

1) first of all Dr. Martin Hohmann, member of parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany
2) the constitutional lawyer Professor Hans Klesatzky from Innsbruck
3) former federal minister Professor Erwin Lanc
4) Public Ombudsman Ewald Stadler
5) Professor Matschner
6) Federal Councilor Dr. John Gudenus
7) the lawyer Dr. Johannes Hübner



(Texts in a black frame are quotations from visitors to this site or from other authors.)

(The Religion of the Future. / Article by Brother Nathanael Kapner 00, 2014-04-24)

There’s a movement afoot in Judaism that portends to be the religion of the future.

It’s called "Tikkun Olam" which means "Repairing the World."

Based on the Kabbalah that Jews are ’sacred partners with the Divine,’ its leaders Reb Zalman Schacter-Shalomi and Rabbi Michael Lerner promise their followers that their movement will ‘heal the world’ and ‘heal our hearts.’


But Jews have wrecked the world and a bunch of neurotic Jews aren’t going to heal anything.

They already swindled us on the notion that once they got their own State they’d be a ’light to the nations’.

"But darkness fell on the Palestinians who the Jews murder and plunder to this day.

Relations with their own neighbors are in disrepair…and Jews are going to repair the world?

I don’t think so.

Tikkun Olam is yet another Jewish scam of crafty clichés…another Tower of Babble bereft of Christ.

[Clip: "If we could create a ‘we’ consciousness, a consciousness that we are all in it together." Because in fact there are millions and millions of people who want a different reality of love and caring of kindness and generosity, of a sense of meaning and purpose to life that transcends the individualism and selfishness of American society." And outside of Tikkun you don’t hear this kind of talk." Some people move to the religious right because at least in the religious right they hear that being talked about even though it’s talked about and then in an extremely distorted way."]

The movement’s founder, Reb Zalman – who styles himself a ‘Jewish practitioner of generic religion’ – has concocted a New Age kind of Judaism where you don’t even have to be Jewish to join.

[Clip: "So I’ve been teaching the people that every religion is a vital organ of the planet. Jewish Renewal is really saying that. That there’s a new way of looking at cosmology and our place and the order of this organism called earth."]

It’s a precursor of the religion of the future. For it wants to swallow up all of us.

You can be Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, and even a Wiccan practicing witchcraft, so long as you let Jews reign supreme over you.

You can believe whatever you want.

But the boundary between the ‘Jewish and non-Jewish world’ – blurred just enough so the Gentiles feel they belong – will be set in stone by the Jewish purveyors of the divine.

The language may be different than conventional Judaism but the intent of this New Age Judaism is the same:

Jews are gods and the Goys are cattle. (quod licet iovi non licet bovi)

Light came into the world two thousand years ago but the Jews snuffed it out for themselves – (they’re hell-bent on snuffing it out for everybody else) – and crucified Christ.

Jewry has nothing to offer the world but the continued crucifixion of all that is good and beautiful. They murdered the most Beautiful Who ever existed. What good can come from them?

We don’t need another Jewish utopia.

We’ve had our share…first with the Bolshevik revolution followed by the Zionist convolution. Blood still runs in Jerusalem.

The work of repairing the world is not for Jews without Jesus.

And their religion of the future will be the ultimate wrecking of the world.


Brother Natanael Kapner: The Religion of the Future

Brother Nathanael Kapner is a recognized monastic with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Of Russia (ROCOR) where he is officially recognized as a "poslushnik"/"novice" monk.

He speaks and writes as a former Jew--now an Orthodox Christian--and not in any official capacity with the ROCOR jurisdiction. He resides in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

After eight years of monastic communal life (1996-2005), Brother Nathanael has been engaged in a public mission through his Street Evangelism efforts and as an Internet publicist.

His most recent endeavor as President of The Brother Nathanael Foundation,  is to bring a Christian consciousness and influence to every sphere of American life.   


[1]In 1994 the Jewish doctor Baruch Goldstein forced his way into a mosque in Hebron and there shot more than 60 praying Palestinians with a machine pistol. Today a polished memorial plaque can be seen on the spot, carrying the following inscription:

‘Here lies the saintly doctor Baruch Kappel Goldstein. Without flaw and with a pure heart, he sacrificed himself for his people, the Tora and the land of Israel. May God bless this righteous man, avenge his blood and give his soul eternal rest.’

The "Israel movement" in the Christian congregations. /    Christian Evangelical Zionism -  Discourse 101

Looking up the biblical quotations of the "Friends of Israel" in the Bible /   Continuation Part 2, Discourse 1012

Report from the camp of the "Israel movement". /   Continuation Part 3, Discourse 1013

The Jewish Anti-Defamation League rewrites the New Testament. /   Continuation Part 4, Discourse 1014

Shema Yisrael ‒ Hear, O ISRAEL - the judgment of God on his people. /   Continuation Part 5, Discourse 1015

The Foundation of the State of Israel in 1948 prophesied in the Old Testament! /   Continuation Part 6, Discourse 1016