The fights
The Battle in heaven
Rev 12:7 |
The Battle of Armageddon
Rev 19:11-19 |
The Last Fight
Rev 20:7-10 |
The conqueror
Michael and his angels conquer
Satan and his angels
Rev 12:8 |
Jesus Christ and his army in
heaven defeat Satan and Antichrist
Rev 19:20-21 |
The LORD and the host of heaven
conquer Satan and his hosts
Rev 20:9 |
The loser
Satan and his angels are thrown from heaven
to earth
Rev 12:9; Lk 10:18 |
Satan is thrown into the
bottomless pit
Rev 20:1-3 |
Satan is thrown into the lake
of fire
Rev 20:10 |
The resurrections
The resurrection of saints
after the death of the Lord
Mt 27:52-53 |
The First Resurrection of the
Rev 20:4-6 |
The Universal Resurrection
Rev 20:11-15
The judgments
The judgment: The prince of
this world has been expelled
Jn 12:31 |
The judgment of wages at the First
Resurrection of the martyrs
Rev 20:4 |
The Last Judgment -
the harvest is ripe
Rev 20:12-13 |
The Day of the LORD
The day of God’s mercy. God
becomes man in His son
Lk 2:11 |
The day of God’s wrath with
plagues, earthquake and fire
Rev 8:1-13; Rev 9:1-21 |
The day of the Last Judgment
will be revealed with fire
2Pet 3:7 |
God creates all new
The sin has been defeated: It
is accomplished
Jn 19:30 |
The regeneration of heaven
and earth
Rev 16:17-20 |
The passing away of heaven
and earth
Rev 20:11 |
The new life
The gospel: The truth brings
salvation for the world
2Thes 2:10 |
The renewed heaven and the
renewed earth
Heb 12:26-27 |
The new created heaven and
the new created earth
Rev 21:1 |
God is with them
The kingdom of the Holy Spirit:
The time of grace – God dwells
in the spirit of the believers
1Cor 3:16 |
The kingdom of the Son:
The time of peace – God dwells
with men in His temple
Rev 20:6 |
The kingdom of the Father:
The Eternity – men dwell with
God. No temple any more
Rev 21:22 |
The spirit of God
God will give the Holy Spirit to
those who ask Him
Lk 11:13 |
God pours out His Spirit on his
male and female servants
Acts 2:17-18 |
God’s Spirit dwells in
all of them
Rev 21:3 |